Welcome to the FHLBank Cost Centers Name Badge Program!

When you enter the site at www.orderyourbadges.com, you should see the above.
Log in with your provided username and password, and you will be ready to order 25 26348badges.

Order your name badge and we'll ship it directly to you.

Username: 27437
Password: fhlbank

From that page, you will be able to check inventory status and history, order badges, and track the status of those badges as they move through the process.

When ordering badges, be sure to enter them exactly as you want them to appear (case included).

If multiple attachment options are available, you will see a drop down box under the names that will allow you to select your attachment. If only one style of attachment is available, no option will be displayed.

When all personalizations have been entered, click “review order”, and this will take you to the shipping information screen.

Your default shipping address will automatically be selected. If you wish to change that address, simply click on the drop down box and choose “other”. Your default shipping method is US mail. If you would like to change that, please provide your UPS or Fed Ex account number.

Once shipping method and address have been determined, click on “place order”.

To view details of the order, click on the magnifying glass at the right hand side of the transaction page.

Orders can even be cancelled and inventory automatically returned to inventory, as long as the badges have not yet entered the processing stage.

A few things to note:

If you request badges but do not enter names, we will assume you need them with the logo only, and they will be shipped as such, not personalized.

In the event you have multiple names to release and would prefer to submit a spreadsheet instead of entering them 1 at a time, simply click “upload xls”. This will open a box that will allow you to browse and upload your spreadsheet.

Please be sure that your spreadsheet does not contain any headers, and for badges with multiple lines of personalization, you list the 2nd line of personalization in the column to the right of the name it belongs to.

If you are releasing PHOTO ID Badges, or your program requires an image upload, there will be an option to upload your images after you enter your names. Instructions for uploading and required file types are shown in this section.

When uploading multiple images, be sure to have them all in one ZIP file for uploading.


Email Jeff Cross at jeffcross@omni.cc